Reentry Support
Reentry Support
Reentry Support
Reentry Support
Individuals leaving the criminal justice system face unique challenges in reentering society, including PTSD, employment barriers, and lack of housing. Our reentry programs are focused on empowering individuals to build new lives, find stability, and thrive post-incarceration. We aim to reduce recidivism by offering comprehensive services that address mental health, job readiness, and life skills.
How We Do It...
- Address mental health issues with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy tailored for adults reentering society.
- Offer specialized Peer Safety Unit (PSU) services, which act as a mental health-focused emergency response team for peers in crisis.
- Provide CURE (Cognitive Unilateral Reframing Elections) therapy, helping individuals redefine their experiences and take positive steps toward reintegration.