NRTR Services


NRTR Services


NRTR Services

NRTR Services

Our NRTR (Neurological Reframing Therapeutic Reinforcement) services offer innovative therapeutic approaches designed to enhance executive function and promote mental well-being. NRTR is tailored for individuals with autism, those reentering society, and people struggling with mental health challenges.


The Office of Therapeutic Peer Governance (TPG) is a groundbreaking initiative at WAI. We position it as a domestic mental health service alternative, running parallel to the District Attorney’s Office, offering legal and therapeutic intervention to individuals affected by behavioral and cognitive health challenges.

Through NRTR, we aim to provide comprehensive services that address the root causes of mental health crises and offer pathways to recovery and reintegration.

Key NRTR Personnel

Why It Matters

In today’s society, mental health crises are often criminalized, leading to unnecessary legal consequences for individuals who need care, not incarceration. The TPG creates an option that diverts individuals from this broken system into one that offers understanding, treatment, and a path to recovery. It's an initiative designed to reform how society treats mental illness and behavioral health, promoting healing over punishment.

CURE (Cognitive Unilateral Reframing Elections)

CURE is a critical component of the NRTR program, focusing on reframing the cognitive responses of individuals affected by trauma, behavioral health conditions, or violent crimes. What makes CURE stand out is its dual-healing process. Both the individual struggling with their mental health and the individuals impacted by their behavior—be it a victim of crime or a loved one—undergo therapeutic care together. This peer-based approach promotes deeper empathy, understanding, and healing.


At the heart of our NRTR services is our commitment to empathy and humanity. "Upenda Wewe" embodies our dedication to treating every individual with respect, dignity, and care. It serves as a reminder that our work is not just about treatment but about healing human lives with compassion and integrity.

Our Major NRTR Services

THREAD (Therapeutic Reinforcement Adaptive Development)

THREAD provides tailored reinforcement strategies to improve emotional and cognitive outcomes across a variety of settings.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

A structured therapy that helps patients identify and change destructive thinking patterns.

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)

A behavior-based therapy focusing on positive reinforcement techniques for individuals of all ages.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Understand how brain imaging is used to detect emotional and cognitive irregularities.

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